HQ: 2 Riverside House, Mill Lane Newbury, RG14 5QS
+44 01635 884170

VoiceStream Hot Desking

Stream - The digital backbone to your business

VoiceStream Hot Desking

Hot Desking is a feature that allows your business the practice of not assigning permanent desks in
a workplace, so that employees may work at any available desk.
From a managerial perspective, Hot Desking is attractive because it can cut overhead costs
significantly. However, the concept won’t work in environments where employees are expected to
be in the office most of the time.
Hot Desking, as a VoiceStream feature, is simple as it can be. By dialing proper access code (*555 by
default) on any pre-configured office phone for HotDesking, user will go to an IVR, where it will be
asked for extension and pin. Once proper extension / pin combination is entered, the phone will be
rebooted and auto-provisioned with the new extension.
If there was any phone already registered with the same extension, it will reboot too and auto
provisioned with dynamic extension. If extension is in use, phone will reboot once the call ends.
Phones provisioned with dynamic extension will not be able to dial anything but Hot Desking IVR.
Emergency numbers can be dialed even if the hot desking device is not logged in (if no
extension is provisioned). In this case, the Emergency Caller ID will be used for the outgoing

MAC address of the device.

Hot Desking Device

Extension’s number associated with MAC/Device.

Status of Hot Desking device.

Click to edit the hot desking device configuration.

Click to delete a hot desking device from the system.

CSV upload
There is an option to upload CSV file instead of manually entering phones. Click Browse button,
select the .csv file from your hard drive and press upload button. Please make sure that CSV file
contain comma separated MAC address of the phone and device type per each line (MAC,device),
like in example below:
In case you are not sure what to enter for your device name, check the Settings → UAD, edit UAD
for your device model and in General (section) check exact name set under Internal UAD name for
Auto-Provisioning field.

CSV download
Once you have created list of Hot Desking devices you might get in to position where you would like
to export it to a new system, for testing purposes or in case of a migration for example. CSV
Download button gives you an option to download a full list of hot desking devices from a tenant, in
CSV format, which can later be used to recreate the list on a new system/tenant.

Download CSV Template
As described earlier you can add large number of hot desking devices at once, by creating a CSV
file. Download CSV Template button will present you with a file that already contains necessary
headers which should help you create CSV file easier.

Add/Edit Hot Desking Device


MAC address
MAC address of the UAD

Select a device for Hot Desking.

Network refers to whether the UAD/Phone is in the ‘Local’ or ‘Remote’ network.
Emergency CallerID

Emergency CallerID
CallerID entered here will be used only for calls to Emergency Services numbers.
Emergency numbers can be dialed even if the hot desking device is not logged in (if no
extension is provisioned). In this case, the Emergency Caller ID will be used for the outgoing
Locked extensions

Unlock extensions
Unlock locked extensions

List of all locked extensions for this device

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