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Operator Connect VS Direct Routing

Stream - The digital backbone to your business

Operator Connect vs Microsoft Teams Direct Routing what’s the difference?

As the UK’s PSTN switch off gathers paces more organisations are considering using Microsoft Teams phone system as their business phone system (PBX) to take advantage of O365 functionality and Microsoft Azure Active Directory authentication integration. With a few ways to deploy telephony functionality through the Teams ecosystem from Microsoft calling plans to Operator Connect and Direct routing this blog explores the main differences between the popular Operator Connect and Direct routing options.

Operator Connect vs Direct Routing

As a provider of both operator connect and direct routing Stream Networks understand both products well so are well placed to provide advice on both solutions.

Why Operator Connect vs Direct Routing…. There isn’t a huge difference between the solutions overall, both allow your Teams Tennant to operate as a unified communications solution with PSTN connectivity / Microsoft teams calling but generally Operator Connect is used more by large organisations with large numbers of users operating from across the globe where Direct Routing is normally preferred by SME’s.

Microsoft Operator Connect Features

• Operator Connect delivers direct private routing between the SBC’s *(Session Border Controllers) and Microsoft Teams infrastructure delivering SLAS for voice quality.

• Stream Networks Operator Connect service includes 5000 UK Geo and 2000 UK mobile public switched telephone network minutes on 12 or 36-month contracts.

• Operator Connect provides per-user pricing per month but requires additional licencing for call queues and auto attendants from Stream (not Microsoft licences).

• Operator Connect is based on 4 users to 1 concurrent call ratio via SIP Trunk Configuration

• Number allocation is configured in Teams Phone Number section in Teams Admin Center

• Operator Connect allows global coverage to breakout PSTN connectivity in a wide range of countries dependent on the Operator Connect Partner chosen.

• Operator Connect configuration requires no PowerShell commands, everything is configured in Teams Admin Center in conjunction with your operator connect partner.

• UK Number Porting is supported.

• Operator Connect supports call recording via separate operator connect portal

Direct Routing Service Features

• Routing between SBC’s is delivered over standard Internet Peering rather than private network.

• Direct Routing includes 2000 UK Geo on a 12-month contract and an additional 2000 UK mobile minutes if taken on a 36 contract.

• Direct Routing does not require additional user licences for auto attendants, call queues or resource accounts.

• Direct Routing provides 1-1 user to concurrent call ratio.

• Number allocation configured in separate portal.

• Direct Routing may require PowerShell commands to configure the service. Stream Networks provide an app and separate portal with our service to complete the commands and configuration through APIS

• Call recording supported by separate portal

• UK Number porting is supported


Migrate to Microsoft Teams Phone with Stream Networks

With a Microsoft Teams Phone system you can easily collaborate with colleagues, suppliers and customers whether you are working from the office, at home or on the move.

Operator Connect vs Direct Routing Summary Overview

Choosing between Microsoft calling plans, Microsoft Teams Operator Connect and direct routing really depends on your organisations VOIP requirements. Operator Connect can provide a better user experience as provisioning of voice services is configured directly in Teams Admin Center, in addition, Operator Connect has private routing between the SBC’s (PSTN Carrier/PSTN Service) and Microsoft delivering a guaranteed level of calling experience. Direct Routing can be slightly cheaper on a cost per user basis, has a better concurrent call to user ratio but requires additional configuration and won’t support global coverage like Operator Connect does.

Whatever telephony solution you go for Stream Networks as a UCAAS managed service provider can help ensure we meet your complex requirements, such as contact center, conferencing and delivering advanced features to ensure your migration from an on-premises PBX to the cloud goes smoothly.
If you would like further information on our range of Unified Communications services please complete the contract form below of call us on 01635 884170.

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